常見問題 FAQ
FAQ for Language Center |
Q1:我想要借用語言教室,需要如何申請? What do I do if I’d like to book a language classroom? |
Ans:(1)請提前3天借語言教室。 (2)請先撥分機號碼#2378語言中心,詢問是否有教室可使用。 (3)如有教室可以借出,請到語言中心填寫「借用語言教室申請表」, 或上語言中心網頁下載塡寫申請表。 (4)當天上課時候,就可自行進入。 (5)如取消使用教室時,請提前撥分機號碼告知。 |
Ans:(1)Please book the classroom 3 days in advance. available. |
Q2:可以在一個月前借用語言教室嗎? Can I book a language classroom one month in advance? |
Ans:請在三天前與語言中心協商,只要照申請手續借語言教室。 |
Ans:Yes, you can. As long as you inform the center 3 days in advance and follow the regulations.
Q3:語言教室有些什麼設備呢? What equipment is there in language classrooms? |
Ans:有DVD撥放器、個人耳機及語言設備、單槍投影機、 |
Ans:A DVD player, headphones, an overhead projector, a multimedia teaching system and a PC for teachers.
Q4:語言教室可以讓學生進入自習看書嗎? Are students allowed to enter language classrooms to study? |
Ans:No, students are not allowed to do that. The classrooms are for teaching only.
Q5:語言教室可以帶食物進入嗎? Can I bring food into language classrooms? |
Ans:為了維護語言教室裡的機器設備及環境整潔, |
Ans:No, you cannot. Please keep the equipment and the environment clean.
Q6:語言教室的機器設備如果不會操作該如何? What do I do if I have trouble using the equipment in the language classroom? |
Ans:請電語言中心#2378詢問工讀生, |
Ans:You should call language center at ext. 2378 and ask the part-timers for help. |
Q7:語言教室的機器設備有損壞該如何? What do I do if the equipment is broken? |
Ans:請填寫教學日誌,如損壞設備之問題,將由語言中心聯絡工程師,擇期維修, |
Ans:Please fill out the record of use, and the center will contact the engineer. You can relocate the class, if there are any classrooms available. If there are not, the center will provide a portable CD player instead.
Q8:請問語言中心有提供其它設備嗎? Does language center provide other services? |
Ans:處理設備疑問,幫助老師使用操作設備。 |
Ans:Yes, we help teachers operate the equipment.
Q9:請問使用語言教室可自行連接手提電腦或及他個人設備嗎? Can I connect my laptop or other devices to the equipment in the language classroom? |
Ans:不可自行連接手提電腦,如課程需要,請事先告知, |
Ans:No, you cannot. If needed, please inform the center beforehand. Otherwise, you should be responsible for any damage you cause to the equipment and will be punished by school regulations.
Q10:請問如何預約語言診斷中心? Can I connect my laptop or other devices to the equipment in the language classroom? |
Ans:請連結至學生身份主頁面->並連結致理入口網站(電子郵件)。 |
Ans:No, you cannot. If needed, please inform the center beforehand. Otherwise, you should be